Action Buttons

The action buttons appear on Time and / or Expense Sheets in Maconomy iAccess.

The following table describes the action buttons.

Button Description
Click Edit to edit an Expense or Mileage Sheet.
Click Submit to submit the current time sheet for processing. After submitting changes, the time sheet status updates accordingly and the Submit button is disabled until additional changes are made.
Click Delete to delete the Time or Expense Sheet.
Click Print to print an Expense or Mileage Sheet.
Click Attach to add attachments to the Expense Sheet. These actions are available:
  • Preview - Select to review the expense attachment.
  • Change Receipt - Select to add a new receipt, or edit an existing one.
    • Click Upload Receipt to upload a receipt directly to this line. Browse for a receipt to add to this sheet.
    • Click Select to associate a receipt with this expense sheet line. Use this if you have one receipt that needs to be referenced from multiple lines.
  • Remove - Select to remove this receipt.
Click Save to save the current time sheet entries. After saving changes, the time sheet status updates accordingly and the Save button is disabled until additional changes are made.
Click Copy to copy the Time or Expense Sheet.
Click Calendar to access a calendar. Select the appropriate day or week to enter time sheet information.
Click Delete Line to delete the line from the time sheet.

Click Expand / Collapse to toggle the expand / hide detail feature.
Click Add Line to add another entry line to the bottom of the time sheet.
Click Favorites to select a job from your list of favorites.
Click Dropdown Point to select a task related to the time spent on this job.
Click Dropdown Arrow at the end of the line to access these shortcuts:
  • Delete - Select to delete the current line.
  • Insert - Select to insert a line above the current line.
  • Create Favorite - Select to save the current line as a favorite. After, this line appears in the Favorites list, accessed by clicking .
Click Ellipses to enter line detail.
For time sheets, enter this line detail:
  • Weekly Description - Enter a description of what you worked on this week.
For expense sheets, enter this line detail:
  • Reference - Enter a reference for the expense, such as project name.
  • Exchange Rate - Enter the exchange rate at the time of the expense.